First Day!


It's day 1, happy birthday to me, thank you to all of you bloggers who became a reference to me!
I finally made the decision of starting this blog today! Here are the reazons why.

1. It's my birthday! I like the 23 number and I wanted it to start on a special day!

2. These are the amazing bloggers I've followed for the last 2 years. They've inspired and motivated me to start this blog, and made me realize how people can be so alike, and have same tastes and look for the sabe things, even from another culture.  

And... aren't they Gorgeous too?!!! Thank you Erin from Elements Of Style, Caitlin from Style Files, Ashlina from The Decorista and Erin from House of Turquoise!

 3. This is the TV show that I'm proud to be author, executive producer and also decorator for the last 5 years (it's the Portuguese version of Extreme makeover). It's been my second son, my pride... and it made me realize my real passion for decorating!

4. My obsession for making concept boards! For clients or just for myself!

5. My homestyling company officially started two years ago and that I have to conciliate with the producing of the tv show. It's a lot of work, but I love it!

6. My love for houses... This one is my real estate heaven. It's mine and I fell in Love, when I found it 4 years ago. Here are some more pictures...

These were taken 3 years ago... I allready re-decorated some...

7. And last but not least, the love for my family who is my reason to live, breathe, smile... and who has to put up with my obsession for decorating!

I hoppe You enjoy it! 

Ana Antunes


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