Did you know that Greeks are very much into crafts?
I've previously mentioned some of those amazing fellow bloggers here and here,
and now I'd like you to meet a new one. It's a young couple living at the north of Greece and
they're both very creative. Their blog is called KaPa. Me without you... tea without a bisquit!
How lovable is this name? Well, take a look at what they did with a plain twig that they came
across during their walk in nature. I'll let the photos do most of the talking!
I've previously mentioned some of those amazing fellow bloggers here and here,
and now I'd like you to meet a new one. It's a young couple living at the north of Greece and
they're both very creative. Their blog is called KaPa. Me without you... tea without a bisquit!
How lovable is this name? Well, take a look at what they did with a plain twig that they came
across during their walk in nature. I'll let the photos do most of the talking!
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